FIFAs president has at times bemused supporters with his proclamations on the world game and ideas, but on this occasion when sticking the boot into the Premier League's money-grabbing expansion plans, Blatter struck a cord with the fans - as he rightly knew that he would - he was shooting into an open goal on that score.
Clearly the Premier League did not do their homework properly ahead of floating their globalisation plans, but reports claim that the PL took legal advice prior to releasing details, in do so the PL believed that FIFA could not halt this initiative. How wrong they were.
Blatter is a man who is not to be under-estimated and without directly threatening to pull the rug from under England's bid to stage the 2018 World Cup Finals, the FIFA chief let it be known that this big idea of the PL wouldn't enhance the FAs chances of landing the 2018 finals.
Caught directly in the headlights of the Blatter mobile, the FA, like a startled rabbit, soon distanced themselves from the PLs globalisation plans. How predictable, but surely even anyone with a grain of common sense could have predicted the reaction of Blatter and in turn the FA who ran faster than a sprinter on drugs to distance themselves from the proposal just as soon as the FIFA supremo hinted that there would be trouble ahead.
To make matter worse and while Blatter was busily tightening his vice around the collective nuts of the FA, the Asian Football Federation rubbished the PLs proposals, and elsewhere what has become known as game 39 has been given at best a lukewarm reception.
While fans will be delighted to hear Blatter in such good form when 'happy slapping' the PLs globalisation plans, it has to be said that the FIFA president has once again acted like a dictator, he treats the world governing body as his own personal fiefdom. On this issue, many supporters of the game will not mind and on the whole Blatter does have the interests of world football at heart.
Blatter says the PL globalisation will never happen while he is in charge. It is thought that the FIFA president has no plans to quit, can the same be said of the Premier League's Richard Scudamore?

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