Down the years the Red Devils have had some good looking stars play for the club and thankfully we've not had that many whose photos would give young children nightmares.
So here is the United Hall of Horrors:
No1. Roy Carroll - aka 'Daffy Duck' - goalkeeper

No.2 Steve James - the story goes that 'Plug of the Bash Street Kids' was modelled on the defender's looks

No.3 Maurice Setters - a hard looking player whose looks did not deceive - defender. Setters made 'Chopper' Harris look like Frank Spencer - so tough tackling was he.

No.4 Nobby Styles - World and European cup winner in '66 and '68 respectively. One of the Busy Babes, an all time United legend. Nobby was like a Jack Russell terrier; always there when it mattered, biting at ankles. These days all the rage is teeth-whitening, in Nobby's day it was fashionable not to have any teeth - 'half-back'

No.5 Mike Duxbury - this is probably his best ever photo - midfielder

No.6 Ashley Grimes - midfielder

No.7 Peter Beardsley - some say that only a mother could love this face - forward

No.8 Wayne Rooney - some call him Shrek, others call him fat b******, but to United fans, he's simply the best thing to ever come out of Merseyside; he might not have the looks of Beckham or George Best, but the boy can play - forward

No.9 Joe Jordan - AKA count Dracula - he came from Leeds United, he broke their supporters hearts when he signed for the Red Devils. When Joe had his teeth in he did some modelling, not many would believe that going off this photo - forward

No.10 Carlos Tevez, he's cunning, he's lightning quick, he comes from Argentina, he looks like he could be a James Bond villain, and he has teeth that could open a tin of corned beef - forward

No.11 Luke Chadwick, a cert to be included in most observers ugly XI? A framed photo on the mantlepiece would surely make a useful fire-side guard?

Keep on sending in your suggestions, the Hall of Horrors is open to review.
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